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Beer in 9 questions!

To those crucial questions that have been niggling at the back of your mind and that you never dared to ask… we have the answers!

Beer in 9 questions!

9 questions about beer. 9 answers.

1. Why is Guinness black?

It isn’t in fact black. It is more of a dark ruby red because of the ingredients used to make it, and also because of the way the barley is roasted. In general terms, the difference in colour between blonde and dark beers is due to the fact that dark beers are made using cereals that are roasted more during the malting stage.

Guinness is more of a dark ruby red

2. Where is beer drunk the most?

No, it’s not Belgium. Quality production, of which we are champions, is not be confused with variety and consumption. Belgians are even quite reasonable compared with some other countries. They each drink between 90 and 100 litres of beer per year, on average, and tend to prefer special beers. The greatest consumers are the Czechs (over 150 l/year/inhabitant), followed by Ireland, Germany, Australia, Austria, the United Kingdom, Slovenia and, lastly, Belgium..

The world champions of beer consumption are the Czechs

3. How is alcohol-free beer made?

“Alcohol-free” beer does, in fact, contain a very small quantity of alcohol (up to 1.2%). This alcohol content is limited by the fact that the fermentation temperature differs: at approximately 0°, so that the transformation into alcohol does not occur. It is still not recommended for people who cannot drink alcohol for medical reasons or because of religious beliefs. However, breastfeeding women can drink it, as beer has lactogenic properties.

Moderate consumers are often thought to be thinner than those who never drink.

4. Does beer make you gain weight?

No... as long as it is consumed in moderation. According to certain recent studies, moderate consumers are often thought to be slimmer than heavy drinkers or even those who never drink. Why? The energy contained in the beer is partly “burned” by the body. Beer is also thought to suppress the appetite, which would limit snacking outside mealtimes.

5. Is beer good for you?

When consumed in limited quantities, beer can have beneficial health effects. According to certain studies, humulone (in the hops) counters the reduction in bone density (osteoporosis). Furthermore, the ethanol contained in the beer helps to increase HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) levels and improves blood fluidity. Beer also contains polyphenols with antioxidant properties, known for their beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system. It also contains B vitamins and beer yeast, which helps to replenish gut flora. However, it is important to remember that beer should be consumed in moderation.

Beer can be drunk at any age, but it all depends on alcohol content and traditions. There are lower-alcohol beers, such as table beer, that can be consumed by all family members during a meal. It is important to respect the recommended alcohol consumption limits for each age and to follow the laws in your country or region.

Beer can be drunk at any age

7. Does beer go with any dish?

An increasing number of foodies and Michelin-starred chefs are saying beer can accompany any dish. It is possible to cook with beer, such as rabbit dishes with Gueuze or Kriek Timmermans, carbonnade, mussels and sole, and even game. It is also possible to drink beer at all stages of a meal, from starter to dessert. It is usually a good idea, however, to select special beers whose aromas and bitterness go well with the dishes.

Michelin-starred chefs say beer can accompany any dish

8. Why does beer make people want to urinate?

Beer is a diuretic. The resins in the hops and the phenolic compounds stimulate kidney function, which leads to excess fluid and toxins being excreted from the body. This is why you may want to urinate more frequently after drinking beer.

9. Do competitions, labels and awards matter?

Competitions and awards are important, especially for exports. They can help launch or grow beer sales in some foreign markets by enhancing the curiosity effect and providing a quality label. For example, Martin’s IPA won the “Coup de Coeur” award at the Sparflex Awards in 2012, while Dominus Double won a 3-star Superior Taste Award at the Superior Taste & Quality Institute in 2008. Of course, beer should always be enjoyed in moderation

Especially for exports